Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Can fathers participate?
- Yes. The program is for mothers and fathers.
- What kind of diploma do you get?
- A Maine Department of Education approved private high school diploma.
- Does Passages accept transfer credits?
- Passages accepts up to 11 credits from the student’s previous school. Each credit is reviewed and approved by the staff.
- Does Passages accept life experience as credit?
- Passages will allow students up to four (4) waiver requests for life experiences and expertise in a related Core Skill. Students must clearly demonstrate their knowledge of a core skill before a waiver is approved.
- What kind of grading system do you have?
- Passages has a Pass/Fail grading system. A portfolio is kept of each student’s completed work and teacher evaluations. Students wanting to attend college can request a grade equivalent for their portfolio work. Colleges requiring letter grades for admission receive an official grade equivalent school transcript. Letter grades are based on the quality of the students’ portfolio and evaluations.
- What is the cost per student?
- Passages student ages 14-20 attend free of charge.
- How is Passages funded?
- Passages is partially supported by the student’s tuition subsidy from their resident school district, state, federal and/or private foundation grants and donations.
- Do you use volunteers?
- YES. Students participate in monthly workshops run by volunteers. Volunteers also work on Passage committees. They come from all walks of life including: authors, leading business people, artists, technicians, and many others.

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