Posted on Tuesday March 12
Hi, my name’s Damion. Today in NJ/NY my chore is filming and blogging. To start the day off, we got on the subway from Grove St. NJ to the World Trade Center NY. We got off and started walking down Broadway toward the Staten Island Ferry. On the ferry we saw the Statue of Liberty (and I have to say she’s quite beautiful) and on Staten Island we had to run back through the ferry station to get on the return ferry. We ate lunch on the ferry back to Manhattan. From there we got on a subway headed from Broad St. to Essex (subways are fun but a little too long and crowded with people for my taste). From Essex we went to the Tenement Museum, which was inside an old apartment building and where the group split on three tours of the building. The first was called “Irish Outsiders” and the students that went on that tour were Steve, Corey, and Kat. The second was “Shop Life” which included student Peyton, and the third and last tour was called “Hard Times” and included the students Sasha and Damion (me). After the Tenement Museum we went to eat some amazing donuts for our food tour and then to a Vietnamese restaurant for some sandwiches, which were to die for. Then for pickles that were “hot” (I didn’t think so) we ended the day in Chinatown and little Italy where the group shopped a little and bought some oriental cuisine. We are now back at the firehouse cooking dinner and being all around joyous.